Sebi's Total Income Rises 48% To Rs 2,075 Cr In 2023-24
Higher than Rs1,213.22 cr garnered in preceding financial year
Sebi's Total Income Rises 48% To Rs 2,075 Cr In 2023-24

New Delhi: Capital markets regulator Sebi's total income rose 48 per cent year-on-year to Rs 2,075 crore in 2023-24, driven by increased earnings from fees and subscriptions. Of the total income, the regulator earned a fee income of Rs 1,851.5 crore, which was way higher than Rs 1,213.22 crore garnered in the preceding financial year, according to Sebi's annual statement of accounts 2023-24 made public on Tuesday. Additionally, income from investments widened to Rs 192.41 crore from Rs 161.42 crore and other income increased to nearly Rs 18 crore from close to Rs 15 crore.
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) acknowledged that fees and subscriptions are the major sources of its income. This category of income included earnings from annual fees and subscriptions, listing fees contribution from stock exchanges, income generated from registration, renewal, application and offer documents filed by companies and market infrastructure institutions. Overall, the market watchdog's total income rose to Rs 2,075 crore in the financial year ended March 31, 2024 from Rs 1,404.36 crore in the preceding fiscal, indicating a growth of 48 per cent, the annual accounts showed.
Apart from total income, the total expenditure of the regulator rose to Rs 1,006 crore for the year ended March 31, 2024, from Rs 851.33 crore in the previous fiscal, The establishment expenses grew to Rs 696.43 crore during the period under review from Rs 576 crore in the preceding fiscal and other administrative expenses increased to Rs 218 crore from Rs 172.42 crore. Sebi said its general fund has a closing balance of Rs 5,573 crore including an amount of Rs 1,065 crore as surplus income over expenditure transferred from Income and Expenditure Account for financial year 2023-24. Earmarked funds include Investor Protection & Education Fund (IPEF) and disgorgement fund.
IPEF has a closing balance of Rs 533.17 crore including income from investment of Rs 27.66 crore and Disgorgement Fund has Rs 7.38 crore for FY24.